Tuesday,  March 25th 2025 @ 7pm

137 County Rd 34 W, Cottam (Cottam United Church)

Annual General Meeting 2024

Annual General Meeting

Gosfield North Communications Co-operative Limited

When: Tuesday March 26, registration 6:30 pm. Meeting commences 7:00pm

Where: Cottam United Church, 137 County Road 34 W

This year's AGM promises to be significant as we will be delivering essential updates on the transformative changes implemented in 2023, detailing the progress of the fibre upgrade project, and presenting exciting upcoming developments for the cooperative. If you are asking yourself as a member, why should I attend and what value will I get out it, then consider the below points.

1) Stay informed: AGMs are an opportunity for members to stay informed about Gosfield’s financial performance, operations, and future. Attending an AGM can provide valuable insight into how the company is doing and what are our future plans.

2) Ask questions: AGMs provide you as members with the opportunity to ask questions directly to the management team and board of directors and get answers.

3) Transparency and accountability: By attending an AGM, you hold the Gosfield’s management team and board of directors accountable for our actions and decisions.

4) Voting rights: Members who attend AGMs have the right to vote on important issues, such as approval of Gosfield’s financial statements, and the election of auditors.

5) Networking opportunities: AGMs can provide you networking opportunities to connect with other members to share opinions on the business.
