Member Notice - September 2022

Message from the Board of Directors

As some of you are aware, Gosfield North had an election in March and at that time the membership elected four new directors with one returning. Most candidates ran on the idea of transparency, emergence of new technologies and the need for Gosfield North to move past the status quo. These last seven months have been challenging, we appreciate your patience as we attempt to help foster these ideals and move Gosfield North forward.


At the last annual meeting the Pelee project was announced, a $20M project to bring fiber optics to Pelee Island, potentially weaving through Kingsville and Wheatley. Gosfield was slated to assist with this grant and would in turn benefit financially from this partnership. Unfortunately, this announcement was made prematurely, less than 30 days later Gosfield North was removed from the grant and replaced.

We would also like to advise you that effective September 6, 2022, CEO Robert Petruk is no longer employed by Gosfield North Communication Co-Operative. We wish Robert well in his future endeavors. Currently, we do not have a timeline to replace Robert.

Gary Shepley has resigned due to the increased workload required during this transitional period. We thank him for his guidance and service. As directed by the by-laws the board will replace Gary and is actively searching for a replacement, we hope to find someone with a passion for our community and skills to help Gosfield North move forward, if interested please reach out to the email address below. An announcement will be made when this position is filled.

Regarding fiber optics in the original Gosfield North territory (ILEC), this has been a contentious topic for many, and we share the desire to complete this. The board is actively looking at many opportunities to bring in capital to accomplish this in an expedited fashion. In the meantime, we continue to progressively upgrade infrastructure, we plan to release a comprehensive plan in the near future.

We also ask that those interested in updates from Gosfield North sign up for our newsletter at While physical newsletters are nice, they can become costly, and we would like to increase the frequency of communication. Having a digital method will help us keep you all up to date.

Change can be hard; we appreciate your trust as we navigate this transition.

Board of Directors
Gosfield North Communication Co-Operative

Click here to download the PDF version of this message.
